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文字编辑神器 Notepad++ v8.6.8


Notepad++ v8.6.8 bug-fixes & new enhancements:

 1. Fix a crash in Column Editor caused by an arithmetic overflow.

 2. Fix the issue where any negative repeat value in Column Editor causes a hang.

 3. Fix an extra space being inserted in HEX mode issue in Column Editor.

 4. Fix a visual glitch of the toolbar pressed buttons in dark mode.

 5. Add auto-indent feature for Python.

 6. Fix the issue where "show control characters" settings not remembered when switching to another tab.

 7. Fix the missing monitoring disabled state icon from the fluent icon set on the toolbar.

 8. Adjusted the inaccurate naming of indent settings in thee Preferences dialog.

 9. Fix the issue where the customized color of active tab in inactive view is missing.

10. Introduce a new plugin command "NPPM_GETTABCOLORID" to retrieve the current tab color ID.

11. Allow the tree view dark mode customization for plugins.

12. Fix the popup dialog for updating not metioning 'Notepad++'.

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Included plugins:

1.  NppExport v0.4

2.  Converter v4.6

3.  Mime Tool v3.1

Updater (Installer only):

* WinGUp (for Notepad++) v5.2.9



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